Clubs and Activities
Debate Team
- 23-24 First runners-up at the Iowa High School Speech and Debate Association’s State Debate Tournament, Wesley McDowell (‘24) and Jaxon Ajiri (‘24)
- 23-24 Semi-finalists at the Iowa Forensics League State Tournament, Wesley McDowell (‘24) and Jaxon Ajiri (‘24)
- 23-24 National Tournament for Debate Qualifiers, Wesley McDowell (‘24) and Jaxon Ajiri (‘24)
- 22-23 National Tournament for Debate Qualifiers, winning six of twelve ballots; Wesley McDowell (‘24) and Jaxon Ajiri (‘24)
Quiz Bowl
- 23-24 Chariton Academic Bowl - 2nd place
- 23-24 1st Division Iowa Knowledge Bowl - 3rd place
- 23-24 Chariton Academic Bowl, second place
- 22-23 WCAC Academic Bowl Champions
- 21-22 WCAC Academic Bowl Champions
- 20-21 WCAC Academic Bowl Champions
- 20-21 All State Honors - Mallory Fynaardt ('21)
- 19-20 WCAC Academic Bowl Champions
- 18-19 WCAC Academic Bowl Champions
Additional Opportunities
Community Service
Leadership Academy
National Honor Society
Senior Trip
Spirit Weeks
Student Council
Worship Arts