Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average class size?

Early Education 
Two year olds: 1:6 ratio with maximum of 12 students in each class 
Three year olds: 1:8 ratio with maximum of 16 students in each class 
Four and five year olds: 1:12 ratio with maximum of 22 students in each class

Kindergarten and first grade: 100
Four classrooms per grade level
Kindergarten and first grade classrooms have full-time associates. Second grade classrooms have half-day associates.  

2nd -5th grade: 75
Three classrooms per grade level
Second grade classrooms have half-day associates.

Middle School and High School  
6th-8th grade: 110
9th-12th grade: 115

How many students attend DMC? 

More than 1,400 students are currently enrolled at DMC. 

Does DMC offer transportation?

DMC does not offer daily transportation to and from school. DMC does provide transportation for field trips and for off site athletics and fine arts activities. Families may be eligible to receive reimbursement for transportation expenses from their public school district.   

What is school lunch like?

Hot lunches are catered by Hy-Vee; boxed lunches are also available. Many students enjoy Chick-fil-A and Z'Mariks hot lunch days. Middle and High School students are able to purchase a-la-carte items from the DMC kitchen including hot breakfast and lunch items, smoothies, drinks, desserts and snacks. 

What security measures does DMC have?

Our Director of Safety and Security handles day-to-day safety, updates procedures to be in alignment with best practices, trains staff, and develops our relationships with local law enforcement. DMC is a secure campus. All visitors must sign in through our SchoolPass platform.

Does DMC have a dress code?

DMC has a dress code for each school. School uniforms are worn once a week on chapel days. 

Do families provide student technology?

Computer technology is provided for K-5th grade. Middle School and High School students purchase their own computers.  

What is DMC's student cell phone policy?

Cell phones and smart watches  may not be used during class, at lunch, or at recess. This includes listening to music. They must be kept out of sight, in a backpack or locker. Cell phones may be checked and used during passing periods.

How does DMC compare academically with other metro schools? 

We measure the success of our academic programs by benchmarking local and national standards. The average ACT composite score for DMC students consistently exceeds both state and national averages.

Does DMC follow the Common Core? 

Des Moines Christian School is a faith-based nonpublic school in the State of Iowa.  We are not bound to state and national curriculum.  While we may use state and national standards as a framework, our curriculum is written to engage students in thinking and learning from a Biblical worldview.  Our goal is to consistently point our students to Christ throughout all subjects; therefore, resources are carefully selected and monitored for age-appropriate content.