2022 True-Blue Gala Sets Records in Attendance and Amount Raised
May 4, 2022
True-Blue Gala Record Attendance and a Record $541,000 Raised
By Jill Van Houweling, Director of Annual Giving
The 2022 True-Blue Gala set record attendance and received a record amount raised to support the school. More than 400 DMC supporters attended, and we are grateful for God’s provision to our school through this event. Through the support of our DMC community we raised more than $541,000. These gifts will be used to furnish the new middle school/high school addition including STEAM tables and lab equipment. Construction will continue all summer, with 17,000 square feet of renovations slated before opening for the 22-23 school year.
Through the support of our DMC community we raised more than $541,000. These gifts will be used to furnish the new middle school/high school addition including STEAM tables and lab equipment. Construction will continue all summer, with 17,000 square feet of renovations slated before opening for the 22-23 school year.
Thank you to the many volunteers who invested their time in this event. This year more than 60 people volunteered with the program, the auction, decorating, set-up and tear down. The silent auction had 107 packages from travel destinations and concert tickets to Mr. Spanhut's homemade cinnamon rolls and . and many DMC community members connected us to new experiences this year. Be sure to check out our Facebook Album to see pictures from the event. A special thank you again to our hosts Steve Durick and Drew Harden - DMC class of 2000, our presenting sponsor Foster Group, and our gift sponsor OneBody3.
At the Gala we also provided an update for the Impact Tomorrow Today campaign, our $29.5M five-year comprehensive campaign for the future of our school. The campaign focuses on five strategic priorities and includes improvements to academic facilities, cutting-edge classrooms and technology, investments in curricular and co-curricular programs, the best Christian faculty available, tuition assistance, and a strong financial base from which to operate with confidence. The campaign was launched just one year ago at the 2021 Gala. This year, those directly affected by the campaign priorities gave updates about our faculty, our campus, the student experience (Lion Fund), our families (tuition assistance) and future generations (endowment).
Thank you for making the 2022 Gala one to remember and for blessing our school with your gifts. Save the date for the 2023 True-Blue Gala … April 1 (no kidding!).